Sunday 18 June 2017



What's a mystery story?

A mystery story is a story in which strange things happen that are not explained until the end.
~Definition given by Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers

Do you enjoy reading mystery stories?

Let's discuss the elements mystery stories may have:

- Detective: a person who attempts to solve a mystery by gathering helpful clues and information.
- Victim: someone who is harmed or suffers because of a crime/mystery.
- Suspects: the people who are believe to have committed or taken part in the crime (WHO did it?).
- Witness: someone who saw the crime happen or knows something about it and can provide information.
- Alibi: a story, excuse or person a suspect uses to prove they weren't near the crime (the COVER story).
- Red Herring: a false lead or suspect that is meant to throw th investigator off track (BAD information).
- Evidence: something that proves who was involved in the crime.
- Crime: an action committed that is against the law.
- Clue: a fact or object that helps solve the crime.

Later we'll find out if all these elements are present in the story "The Blue Cross"! :)


Prepare and deliver an oral presentation (through powerpoint, prezi, photosnack, animoto or any other similar tool) to show pictures or a brief summary of your work


After you read the story, let's answer these questions (they'll haelp you to organize the oral presentation).

- What do we know about the author? Mention something broef about his life and some aspects that may be connected to the story and why.

- What's the story about? Give details about the plot (exposition, conflict and resolution)
- Distinguish the main characters from the secondary characters. Describe them and explain if the main ones are static or dynamic and why.
- Does the story present a social, political,economic, psychological moral or spiritual theme?
- What is the setting of the story (time and place)? Does the setting change? How? Is the setting realistic? Why/why not? Does the author use flashbacks or time slips?
- Explain the title of the story. Does it give any clue about its theme? And to the story in general? 
- What makes this story belong to the mystery genre? Which elements are present in the story and which are not? Give examples.


Here there are some links where you can find some useful information

- A website about the author and his work:

- An encyclopedia with the author's bio:

- A useful dictionary:

- A student's play that shows thw story acted out:

- A documentary:


Your final mark will be 30 points divided into three parts: 10 for the reading interpretation of the short story, 10 points for the writing report (story analysis) and 10 points for the oral presentation


- Did you like the story? Did you find it interesting or difficult and why?

- Which was your favourite character and why?
- Which was your least favourite character and why?
- What would you change in the story?

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